
Broomhill Meadows and the GroundWork Residency

Broomhill Meadows is a privately owned piece of conservation wetland , meadow and woodland on the edge of a mid-Norfolk small town. Helen Lindsay and her family are its custodians and owners. They generously make their land and home available for the GroundWork Residency as one of our hosts. Here is an account of the […]

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Helen Lindsay

Helen Lindsay is a freelance collections care specialist, paper conservator, land conservationist and artist. As a conservator, she provides support for organisations wanting to improve access to their collections. Helen Lindsay has worked for an extensive range of organisations including St Paul’s Cathedral, National Archives of Scotland, UN International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia, […]

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Norfolk Rivers Trust

Established in 2011, Norfolk Rivers Trust is a charity dedicated to restoring, protecting and enhancing Norfolk’s water environments for all. Our goal is to create and maintain healthy, diverse river and wetland ecosystems that are abundant in biodiversity and resilient to a changing climate. From the food we eat to the water we drink; these […]

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