October 20th 6 – 7.30 pm
Place in Time was a virtual discussion event for International Landscape Day, featuring a panel of prominent writers and artists. It was held on the publication of Tim Simmons’s book of the same title.

An event for International Landscape Day
To mark International Landscape Day, GroundWork Gallery brought together contributors to Place in Time: the Work of Tim Simmons, published earlier this year, to discuss our changing relationship to landscape and place.
What happens when our ability to engage with places is restricted to our immediate locality?
What do we lose or gain when we engage with landscape through digital means?
How do we mourn the places that have become inaccessible or use our imagination to recreate them?
What impact does all of this have upon our ability to make work?
The speakers
Tim Simmons (artist), Camilla Brown (curator & writer), Polly Gould (artist), Tim Holt-Wilson (writer), Veronica Sekules (curator & writer) and Judith Stewart (artist & writer).
This was a virtual event happening on Zoom – here is the recording in case you missed it, or want to catch it again
Place in Time: the book
Place in Time: The Work of Tim Simmons, (ed Judith Stewart) & available in our gallery shop (click the link above) is published by Dewi Lewis, renowned internationally for their photography list. This book presents an overview of the artist’s recent photographic and video work. It is accompanied by essays from artists, writers and curators.
The book surveys Simmons’s work in relation to contemporary issues in landscape and visual arts practice. Essays cover diverse topics from Simmons’s working processes to our attempts to measure time. Simmons avoids traditional approaches to landscape photography, and prefers not to show landscapes in their ‘natural’ state. Rather, he presents places enhanced or altered for his investigations and experiments.