Foil Drawing workshop with Lucy Dukes: “ Relics of the Anthropocene & imagined futures”
Saturday 9 September and Sunday 10 September (Heritage Open Day)
2-4 FREE (drop-in)
Lucy Jane MacAllister Dukes has just been UAL Art for the Environment artist in residence at GroundWork Gallery for this summer
This is a vey informal set-up. Lucy will be sitting at the kitchen table drawing on foil and will discuss it with you. You will be welcome to join in for a long or short a time as you like.
Participation is free but we welcome donations towards our costs

About the artist
Lucy Dukes says”
“As a transdisciplinary artist and philosopher and recent MA Art & Science graduate, I’ve been exploring how artistic practice can become “intra-actions”, revealing the entanglements between humans and more-than-humans in the Anthropocene.
“To me, everything is drawing, revealing mutually co-constitutive relationships in the universe across micro and macro scales. Each mark is an exploration in a moment of spacetime, each material holding embodied knowledge.
The GroundWork Gallery kitchen table artist workshop programme
This event is part of our series of relaxed and informative workshops around our kitchen table These are always linking art and environment. They are small scale, and enjoyable. They are thought-provoking, each one with a practical outcome, but based on the artist’s practice of deep thinking and research. You will always come away with new skills. No experience is necessary,
By joining the workshop you are also joining a movement. Through each one you will learn how we can make efficient use of limited resources in order to make our environment more sustainable. Ultimately, we are doing our bit to think better about the environment and climate change.