Resources, Waste

The Art and Heritage of Waste

by Veronica Sekules We need to transform our attitudes to waste . It needs to be rehabilitated. Not as an inconvenience, nor as a disgusting embarrassment, nor even as a potentially random commercial resource. Waste needs to be recognised with its potential for longevity and status-change as art and heritage. Categories matter. A shift in […]

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Resources, Waste


Sewing, cloth, creative remaking Each season we have been organising practical workshops, artist’s pop-up events, ways to explore making stuff inventively, ethically, environmentally. We are very happy to consider new projects, so please get in touch to discuss any ideas you might have. Sign up to our email list to be the first to know about practical […]

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Climate, Extraction, Land, Plants, Resources, Trees, Waste, Water, Wildlife


We have initiated a new programme, working together with schools, colleges, community and special interest groups and the gallery, to make connections between art and environment. In an age when our environment is fragile and threatened, we need to pool our creative skills to understand it better – the first stage in improving attitudes and practices. Think […]

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Resources, Waste

Waste transformed.

Waste Transformed is a project about making art from trash. Initially we were inspired by Jan Eric Visser’s work for our Trash Art exhibition in 2018 to explore creative reuse of materials. We then went on to investigate plastics and that became a bit of an obsession. This project is an example of how exhibitions […]

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