Chris Ruston
Relic, 2020
8 x 8 x 4 cm
Artist’s book in box and hand painted slip-case,
Re-used pages from The Readers Digest Atlas of the World, Fergus Beeley Planet Earth, the Future, what the Experts Say, Indian Ink, Grey-board
Edition of 4
Chris Ruston Relic 2020, is a small and precious artist’s book. The book is in the form of a butterfly, and has been made from re-used pages from various natural history texts. The edges of the pages are burnt to suggest how the species are in danger. The little butterfly sits in a hand-made and hand painted box, which in turn fits in a custom-made slip case.
We are losing much due to changes in habitat and climate. “World Index’ on some of the butterflies indicates it is a global issue that we face. It also alludes to chaos theory – that the wings of a butterfly beating in the Amazon can ultimately cause a tsunami in the Pacific. In other words, that tiny actions can have enormous and escalating repercussions.
About the artist
Chris Ruston is an artist based in Southend, Essex. Her work explores issues around our changing climate, often combining interests in history and storytelling. She seeks to express more than her personal story connecting to wider issues and reaching out to broader aspects of life and the environment. Earth’s story is a constant thread through her work. She invites us to think about how the past, present and future come together. Initially Chris trained as a fine artist and has become known for her innovative approach to form and design of the artist’s book.